No Longer Lonely or Overwhelmed by Norita

Norita – Empowered Wife
Being married to my childhood sweetheart for 30 years sounds like a true happily-ever-after story for some. But for me, it felt more like a lonely endurance test.
I believed what it took to be a good wife was competency, responsibility, and wearing many hats–gourmet cook, gardener, wife, mother of 4, multiple business manager, and guest entertainer–all while looking reasonably attractive.
Feeling overwhelmed was all too familiar! I was doing all I could to pull my own weight and be productive. I considered it a high compliment that I was a “go-getter” and got more done than most people.
In reality, I wasted decades feeling avoided and lonely.
Mostly, I grieved in broken-hearted silence.
I felt old, weary, and weak when I should have been strong. I found myself sleeping a lot as a method of escape.
I welcomed the end of my life, and some of my well-intentioned friends recommended antidepressant medications.
I thought it was my husband’s fault for not being a good provider, and for not loving me enough.
Some of my friends and family who had been to marriage counseling were advised on how to end their impossible marriages, but I did not want separation or a divorce.
When I asked my husband about going to counseling, he declined.
A few years ago, I quietly recommitted myself to staying in my unhappy marriage because there were too many people who would be hurt by my giving up.
Years were spent in a quest for happiness, which included searching scripture, countless conversations with other women, and reading many relationship books.
While there were little bits and pieces that helped, none were the key to my marital happiness.
But then something happened that changed my life forever.
My daughter told me of a book she read by Laura Doyle called The Surrendered Wife.
She was nervous at first about telling me the title of the book, and rightfully so. I did not receive it well. But she said that there were specific Intimacy Skills™ outlined within the pages and when she implemented those skills, she was met with immediate success in her relationship.
Naturally, I was quite interested. She also recommended that I read the book in secret, which I did.
After reading it, I determined it was not for me, but then my next thought was “Why not? Nothing else has worked. I could always go back to the old ways if this doesn’t work either.”
So began the best part of my life, and there is no turning back. This was the missing piece I was searching for…written down step-by-step in black and white: a practical guide to being a happy wife.
Several months later, although I was happier than ever in my marriage, I still was not as treasured, cherished, and adored as I wanted to be.
Then I found out about coaching. It put me on a fast-track to the intimate marriage which had eluded me for years. Goodbye silence and loneliness!
Being cherished, treasured, and adored is my experience now, and so is having a lighter load.
My husband requires less of me than I formerly believed, and certainly less than I required of myself.
Life is balanced and happy for our family.
The transformation that has happened in our marriage moves me to tears, and we are in love like we have never been before. Share on XI no longer have to pretend to have a happily-ever-after relationship, because it is our new reality. Finally, I know what respect looks like, and I am grateful that I never gave up.
I feel strong again and enjoy the life I have more than ever. I no longer use sleep as an escape from reality.
My husband says, “When people hear my wife is a relationship and intimacy coach, they wonder what the husband’s perspective is. I’m here to tell you, it works.”
A few years ago, I was inspired to write down my dream–what I wanted to do even if I would not be paid for it. The instructions were to go ahead and write it down even if I had no idea how to achieve it. This is what I wrote: “To help couples find happiness in marriage.”
I laughed as I wrote because I knew I could not help others have a happy marriage when I didn’t have one myself; however, the passion was there.
I never would have imagined that my dream could come true.
It really is a dream come true to be able to help other women avoid heartbreak and loneliness. Even better, I am delighted to be able to guide those women to happiness beyond their dreams.
Can you imagine my delight to be part of a team of coaches whose mission is to end world divorce? The Intimacy Skills™ have transformed my marriage, and I truly believe that they can help any woman who is suffering in silence.
13 replies on “No Longer Lonely or Overwhelmed by Norita”
Hi. I need to work on getting the sizzle. My hubby works sooo many hours Monday through Friday. The weekends he likes to hangout with our 4 kiddos n me. But by Saturday night there’s no gas in the tank for me. I’ve tried date night with empty house n sexy lingerie. What’s a girl to do? He is very energetic at 4 am for 8 minutes. I’m not very conscious at that time so…. I end up faking it. It sucks and not in good way. Thanks for any input. I love the phrase “whatever you want to do”. !! Been using it for 4 weeks!
Hey Cinderella, That does sound lonely. I would love to see you get some support on getting the sizzle back. Let’s get you on a complimentary discovery call to figure out the best move for your relationship. You can do that here:
I’m really tired of being the one to read the books, be the change, be the cheerleader, be the respect, be the, be the, be the when it doesn’t get returned. Men truly are oblivious to the fact that wives need emotional connection with them – if they don’t get it after 9 years, they never will. I’m destined to be in a linely marriage.
Angelee, I remember how exhausted I was in my lonely marriage, so I can see why you feel that way. I was tired of having to be the one to do everything too. It really seemed hopeless. But then I got my miracle, and it’s my honor pass it on to you if it’s emotional connection you want. To become irresistible to your husband and get a way better response from him, consider reading the book The Empowered Wife. Let me know how it goes–I really want to see you get the relationship you’re dreaming of.
Brought me to tears as I read Norita’s messages as each and every point mentioned touches my heart deeply and I have experienced the exact same thing as in her stories… though I am an Asian. I realised the valuable skills described is applicable across ethnics and cultures globally.
I was introduced to Laura’s book “The Surrendered Wife” in Year 2002, God’s best present for my life!! I read the book four times and have been practicing the skills taught and my marriage is exactly how it turn out like Norita’s now.
Words is inadequate to describe how grateful I am… TQ so much Laura for your Love & Light!!!!
Kelly, Wow! Thank you for such a beautiful thank you message. I’m so happy to hear this. Congratulations on having the courage to implement the Intimacy Skills and make your marriage a blessing. This makes my day!
Thanks Laura. I do get it about the intimacy skills. It is really hard finding like minded women, and can be very disappointing when we’ll meaning friends don’t “get it”. I really have to shut these ones out to a certain extent because their solutions tend to lay blame at my husband’s doorstep when I think it rests with me. i’m sure they think I am being a bit unrealistic and hoping on hope. So when dealing with a separated situation it can be tough going.
Looking forward to discovery call in a day or so, hopefully technology doesn’t get the better of me.
Thanks so much to the patience of Kathy!
Norita, it seems that the bit you were missing was respect. Is that correct? I have been practising the 6 skills for about 3 months now, but don’t really see a lot changing……would love to know how to “fast -track”. Any thoughts?
Heather, Good for you for sticking with the Intimacy Skills, even though you don’t feel like you’re seeing a big change. I admire that. I know for me I prefer being the trusting, respectful, vulnerable grateful wife they helped me be.
It can be a little tricky to implement the Intimacy Skills on your own. Getting support makes all the difference. I know that’s been difficult for you, but I see that you’re committed so I’m sure you’ll get there. I’m pulling for you, Heather! You can do this.
I get everything you are saying, and believe me I’m guilty of control, perfectionism, selfishness, a lack of trust and the need to be right. All so negative and yet so attractive to me. For the first time in my life I have a man that loves with his whole heart and he feels the demeaning and grinding negativity I dish out if I feel slighted or heaven forbid ignored accidentally. I am married for the 3rd time and actually being told what I’m doing to the relationship. I get it ….and yet I hold on with white knuckles and an iron fist. I want to let go and give God control of my marriage and my life. I have always thought I was best at control and now I have to let go….to my husband and especially God. I have to and yet so far I have not kept my tongue silent or my desires restrained.
I need help and I have almost lost hope. Please help me with a capable counselor, one that has traveled the same road if possible. Thank you, Molly
Molly, I felt the same way in my marriage, and so did Norita! So you’re not alone. Lots of us have this challenge and we’ve found a path that feels fun and exciting to become trusting and respectful. There’s no doubt in my mind that you can use the Intimacy Skills to become the kind of wife you want to be and have the kind of marriage you want to have. Here’s where you can have a complimentary discovery call to find out what the best move would be for you in your relationship:
I need help.
Debra, that’s what we do around here! I invite you to have a complimentary discovery call here: