Critical Discovery About Men That Leads To A More Passionate Marriage
Do you see other men tenderly touching their wives and feel like you’d give anything to be treated that way?
What if I could show you exactly what to do so your man can’t keep his hands off of you and came home early from work to see you because to him you are the most special, amazing woman in the world?
What if you could have that giddy feeling of having him grab you at the waist and pull you in for a kiss just because you were so irresistible?
This is the undeniably true story of a 25-year marriage where the husband not only pats his wife on the butt, tells her she’s beautiful every day and makes bedroom eyes at her, he also washes the dishes, takes the trash out without being asked and pays all the bills.
I know that sounds like hype. But it really happens. It really has happened to me, and to over 150,000 other women all over the world with lonely relationships.
Like Sarah’s husband in Ohio who planned a romantic weekend getaway for them for the first time in over a decade of marriage, and Sheri’s husband in Washington, who ended 11 months of separation (where their only “dates” were with the divorce attorney) by giving her a passionate kiss.
They didn’t think it was possible for them to have a passionate marriage, and neither did I, but the miracle turned out to be right inside of them, just like it’s inside of you as a woman. In fact, with the right training, you can eliminate the crisis in your relationship and start to feel cherished this weekend.
Here’s what I mean:
1. We women are the keepers of the relationship, and we have amazing gifts that we were born with.
This is good news. We’re the ones who dream about, talk about, and think about our relationships all the time. Once you know how to use your five feminine gifts, you can awaken your man’s natural desire to make you ridiculously happy again.
I know you’re thinking, “Not my man,” but let me tell you a little something absolutely critical I’ve discovered about men. In fact, I suggest that you write this down. It’s that important:
2. The critical discovery is this: Men have a relentless drive to make women happy.
Yup, I was pretty shocked to learn this myself. If you’re anything like me, you may be thinking your man is an exception to that rule, but I’ve asked thousands of men how important it is to make his wife or girlfriend or even his date happy and they all say the same thing. They say, “It’s everything” or “It’s the most important thing” or “It’s imperative.”
They have an inner drive to delight us, to make us smile and thank them so they can feel like our hero. They feel really successful when that happens. They need someone to please, someone who wants to be pleased. They say things like “If mama’s not happy, nobody’s happy,” and “happy wife, happy life.”
3. Never say this to a man. It makes you a lot less attractive.
If your man is not feeling successful at making you happy, if he doesn’t see a way to delight you, that’s going to put a big damper on the intimacy and passion. That’s why one of the worst things you can say to a guy is, “I don’t need a man.” That leaves him feeling hopeless, knowing he’ll never be successful in his quest to make you happy, even though he’ll never stop feeling the endless drive to try to please you.
He’ll be frustrated if he can’t make you happy because he won’t see how he can ever get to feel the satisfaction of being your hero. Like when he gives you his jacket when it’s cold, or goes to the store because you’re out of chocolate syrup, or moves the furniture so you can see how the sofa looks under the window.
You probably experienced this at the beginning of the relationship. Maybe you were attracted to the way he complimented you, or how he wanted to make sure you were safe, or how he made you laugh. Maybe you think his drive to delight you is gone now because you haven’t seen it for so long, but trust me–it’s not. It’s still pulsing through him every day–the insatiable drive to see you delighted and know he made you feel that way.
4. So if your man really wants to make you happy, then what’s stopping him, you might wonder?
That’s what Kristen in California wondered too, but when I showed her a few things she wrote, “My husband has now started complimenting me daily, which is something he almost never did before. Many other wonderful things are happening. I do appreciate you.”
And Rhonda in Atlanta wrote to say, “Thank you for exploring, studying and then inspiring and coaching others. I am a true example that the work you teach is real and magical at the same time. I now know and understand that having a happy life is fully in my control. I am so happy to have a caring, loving helpful husband.
Is your man really so different than Kristen and Ronda’s husbands? It might seem like it right now, but it’s much more likely that there’s another problem, one that you have all the power to shift. Chances are very high that your man really wants to make you happy too. So what’s stopping him?
That’s what I address in my FREE Roadmap. Get yours here.