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How to Become an Adored Wife

The 5-Day Challenge

If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while, then you have heard a thing or two about The Six Intimacy Skills™.

Well, I have a confession about them. When I first heard about them, I thought they sounded stupid.

I remember thinking, “I am NOT going to do THAAAAT!” I thought they were old-fashioned and just plain yucky.

The Intimacy Skills challenged my view of the world so much that I nearly dismissed them. I was filled with contempt prior to investigation.

1. This Seemed So Old-Fashioned!

intimacy skills

I had all kinds of misgivings about even trying them as an experiment. I thought, if I apologize for being disrespectful, that would be a step back for all womankind. That’s NOT how *I* was raised.

Or if I expressed my gratitude for something that my husband should do anyway, that would be like me turning into an agreeable Stepford Wife robot. Reprehensible!

Other students have felt the same way, like one student who said, “I’m not going to throw him a parade because he helped the kids with their homework!”

Or like Master Coach Kathy Murray once said when I invited her to express gratitude to her husband, “I’m not going to stroke his ego.”

Well, samesies!

Good thing I was so desperate or I probably never would have tried the Six Intimacy Skills at all!

Once I tried them, the light went on and I saw things so differently through my new perspectacles. Yes, The Intimacy Skills were strange but also compelling! I got excited about them and the way I felt when I experimented with them. Not to mention, my husband responded so much better.

I didn’t think that was going to happen. But then I actually tried them.

2. How to Try The Six Intimacy Skills

hope in marriage

These days, I’m always scheming ways to create opportunities for every woman to try them out. Just as an experiment. Just in case they might work for her too.

That’s why we started the 5-Day Adored Wife Challenge, and at the last one, I was so impressed to see so many of you grabbing the training with both hands and sharing your incredible results. I could just feel the momentum everyone was getting from all of us doing the same thing at the same time. I was inspired!

So it’s one of my favorite things.

If you haven’t joined before, this is where I’ll show you a specific cheat phrase or action each day for five days to give you the chance to practice the powerful Six Intimacy Skills with the magical Connection Framework alongside several thousand other courageous women.

It’s free, and it only happens once a year.

No matter what things are like at your house, this will renew your hope for your marriage.

3. You’ll Want the Connection Framework Too

how to make marriage last

The Adored Wife Challenge will also give you the opportunity to experience the Connection Framework, which includes not just the Six Intimacy Skills, but also coaching, a community of like-minded women, and a safe place to share your wins and challenges.

So if your marriage is the worst it’s ever been, well, first of all, it’s so discouraging to be in that place. But I hope you’ll find the courage to join the Challenge because you’re going to discover that you’re not alone with your relationship problems and that you can single-handedly transform your marriage without his conscious effort.

I’ll give you my best stuff that my most successful students and I use to make our marriages last.

Day One is all about the indispensable first step to a lasting, thriving marriage. If you do this step, you’ll be surprised how simple it is to create a happy transformation between you and your husband in just 24 hours.

I’m even going to share with you the moment I saw this happen in my own marriage.

4. Do You Qualify?

be an adored wife

During the Challenge, I’ll share the exact framework I used to make my marriage last and that I’ve trained tens of thousands of students who:

  • Didn’t feel loved
  • Were fighting all the time or
  • Felt like their marriage problems were hurting their kids

And they were able to use this framework to make their marriages last and thrive also.

The only requirement to join the Challenge is that you want to be an Adored Wife. If that resonates with you, then this Challenge will be incredibly valuable for you.

And it’s completely free.

I’m so inspired and impressed by the caliber of women who joined the last 5-Day Challenge! I saw posts on Day One from women who were brand new already sharing so vulnerably that they were feeling hopeless and this was their last ditch effort so they could say that they tried everything.

That is some impressive courage!

I’ve seen committed women who are trying to fix their marriages with an affair happening and him living with the other woman. Or marriages with abuse and addiction. Marriages where she’s hurting so much she wonders how she can keep going, as a mere mortal woman. I remember how awful that felt.

We’ll also be joined by coaches whose marriages are going strong. They like the reminder and the lift it gives them to do the Challenge because, it turns out, the Intimacy Skills are pretty fun to practice.

So are you in? Good!


5. How to Get In

We’ll all be taking action together and sharing the results in our exclusive Circle community and celebrating each other.

If you’re not in the Laura Doyle Circle community yet, this is a great time to join by going to It’s a super safe place where you’re anonymous, there’s no spam or stalking.

I’ll see you Adorables in the 5-Day Adored Wife Challenge!

By Laura Doyle

Hi! I'm Laura.

New York Times Bestselling Author

I was the perfect wife--until I actually got married. When I tried to tell my husband how to be more romantic, more ambitious, and tidier, he avoided me. I dragged him to marriage counseling and nearly divorced him. I then started talking to women who had what I wanted in their marriages and that’s when I got my miracle. The man who wooed me returned.

I wrote a few books about what I learned and accidentally started a worldwide movement of women who practice The Six Intimacy Skills™ that lead to having amazing, vibrant relationships. The thing I’m most proud of is my playful, passionate relationship with my hilarious husband John–who has been dressing himself since before I was born.

5 replies on “How to Become an Adored Wife”

Hi Laura

My husband never surprises me he doesn’t by me birthday present unless I remind him we don’t celebrate our anniversary or ever take me on vacation un less i ask and i still arrange and pay for it. I met him when I was 19 he was 21 we are in our late 30s now.

I have told him over again have practiced the 6 intamcy steps and voiced my desires.
I have stopped now and visualize him in a good light I respect him and thank him for all the things he has an is doing.

Now my birthday mothers day anniversary Christmas doesn’t get acknowledged.

I miss being romantic. I have even started fantasising about make belive men I would never cheat so I now watch romantic comedy’s so I can live through these people.

Ang, him not taking initiative or giving you the recognition or celebration you want, even on your special days, is so disappointing. I can see why you’d fantasize. Feeling doomed to live the rest of your life without romance sounds so depressing and discouraging. Especially when you’ve been trying the Skills!

It sounds like something is going missing for sure. I’d love to get you the support to uncover what it is.
Here’s a free Roadmap of 6 simple steps that have helped thousands of women turn things around so you too can get the romance you deserve!

Hi Laura I have read the empowered wise and find the book to be amazing I have practiced and are still practicing the six intimacy steps however my husband does not take initiative he doesn’t plan birthday parties vacations he doesn’t take me out to dinner and the one that plans everything I have stopped doing this a while ago so now my birthday doesn’t get backed recognized and our anniversary doesn’t get recognized Mother’s Day doesn’t get recognized.
We have been together now for almost 20 years we are in our late 30s.
I try every day to focus on myself and fill up my own cup.
But I am really missing being romantic. I have even started fantasising about made up men in my head and watching romantic dramas so I can live through them. I would never cheat but is this my life forever. I don’t know what to do. Btw my husband works hard and is a beautiful soul he is just not romantic.

In your book, you say “When I meet a couple who’s been together for years without ever saying I do, I know that it’s because she doesn’t want to get married.”

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 9 years. I want to get married. I’ve told him over and over this is what I want, but he hasn’t proposed yet. I was going to buy your book but I came across this passage and it gave me pause. Thoughts? Will this method not work for me?

Lei, this sounds incredibly frustrating! How disappointing to keep telling him what you want, only to get no proposal.

You are not alone. We’ve had many students get engaged on our campus, even after something was getting in the way of him popping the question.

I would love to find out what could be getting in the way for you. It’s not to late to join me for the 5-Day Adored Wife Challenge today through Friday. You can join this free event at Hope to see you there today! You deserve that proposal!

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