My Ex-Husband Is Manipulative and Mean

By Kathy Murray, Laura Doyle Certified Senior Relationship Coach
When your ex-husband is playing games, using the kids to get to you and refusing to do simple, reasonable things like drop them off when he says he will, it’s maddening.
Especially if the whole reason you got divorced was to get away from his crazy-making behavior, it can make you feel trapped.
Those getting hurt the most are the kids, and that breaks your mama heart. Why can’t he see what he’s putting them through?
Luckily, there is a solution. It doesn’t involve threats, courts or begging.
Here’s how I got my ex to be on his best behavior:
When I found my second marriage failing, I tried marriage counseling and even going to therapy by myself to try and fix what I deemed my new husband’s faults.
It was incredibly painful to be in a sexless marriage where my husband wanted nothing to do with me and to be in a huge custody and child support battle with my ex-husband, all at the same time.
I was exhausted, frustrated and at my wits’ end. Why couldn’t either of these men see my point of view?
Why couldn’t they see what I needed and how wrong they were about how to please me and how to be a good father or husband?
I mean, I told them, explained it to them, cried to them and pleaded for their admission to being wrong. How could they not know?
I read every self-help book I could get my hands on to remedy the situation. I attended course after course on marital and self-transformation, but nothing seemed to work. My husbands still weren’t changing–until I accidentally picked up The Surrendered Wife.
I read it from cover to cover in one weekend.
What I hadn’t considered was the common denominator between my failed first marriage and my failing second marriage.
For the first time in all my years of trying to fix my broken husbands, I found hope and insights on my side of the street. Things I’d never even considered–like that I might be the problem. With this awareness, I emerged as an empowered wife and dignified woman.
Since childhood, I’d been so used to being the victim of those who hurt me or did me wrong that I was constantly pointing the finger at someone else.
My father, then my first husband, then my second.
The waiter who didn’t provide quick enough service or got my order wrong.
Even my siblings and coworkers–anyone who triggered my hurts.
Reading Laura’s work opened my eyes to how I could be the one to change the culture in my home and my children’s lives forever.
Little did I know then that this powerful change would not only save my second marriage but that I’d become best friends with my ex-husband.
When I learned about how important respect is for a man, I set out to practice being respectful in my marriage. When my husband, Doug, responded positively, I began to think about how disrespectful I’d been with my first husband.
How could I say I was committed to being respectful without looking at who I’d been with my first husband?
I couldn’t.
Carrying a chip on my shoulder with my ex while practicing being respectful with my new husband didn’t feel right. I felt like a fraud.
As scary as it was, I chose a new path.
The fight we’d been in over custody and child support was a result of my disrespect, and I wanted to do something about it.
So I apologized to my ex-husband for being disrespectful when I’d used the court system to manipulate the results.
Even though the law had been on my side, I was causing suffering for my children. I was controlling their child support order and demanding visitation on a schedule that I determined was appropriate. And I had the courts agreeing with me.
Instead of saying “Whatever you think” to their father.
Instead of trusting he would be generous and want the children to have all the support and visitation they deserved.
I had created the tense world I was living in, and my children were paying the price.
As a sign of my commitment to respecting my children’s father, even though we’d been long since divorced, I went to the courthouse and said I wanted to reduce the amount of child support I was demanding by half.
The clerk of the court was shocked. She called the supervisor over, and together the three women asked if he was threatening me.
It was just the opposite. I was done threatening him.
Laura says what we focus on increases, and I had been focused on what a loser my first husband was. And he continued to show up as a loser until I shifted my view to a respectful one.
When I practiced being respectful in my relationships with both men, my whole world changed. My life became happy and I had more peace in my home.
My children got to witness healing and transformation that have continued to deepen over the last 17 years.
Now I see plenty of reasons to respect my ex husband. Not only am I best friends with him, he is best friends with my current husband! My children have two fathers who love them and a mother who is dignified, happy and at peace.
Doug and I just celebrated our 25th anniversary. We are more physically affectionate and connected than I ever imagined possible.
We also celebrated my mother’s life after her recent passing. My ex-husband joined our family at the ceremony as her son-in-law. He spoke beautifully about my mom having loved him as a son and how I transformed a family and future generations.
I am on a mission to end world divorce and support women being empowered to create the kind of relationships where they feel desired, cherished and adored. But also to have a strong co-parenting relationship with the father of their children should they already be divorced.
Even though I did not save my first marriage because I didn’t have the skills, I saved my second marriage and healed my relationship with my children’s father by practicing respect.
Being respectful means I don’t try to control or correct my husband or my ex. I trust they are capable, and I stay on my side of the street.
I find every opportunity to express my gratitude for all that these men do for me and my children. I show my respect by deeply listening to what they have to say without interrupting or trying to sway them towards my point of view.
Respect is like oxygen for the men in my life.
Through my being respectful, they get to be my heroes, and I get to feel adored.
9 replies on “My Ex-Husband Is Manipulative and Mean”
I only divorced 9 months. 28 year marriage 3 adopted kids 2 bio kids. Our marriage was rough. I controlled yes. Wanted him to be what u wanted. In the end I wanted tge divorce then went to marriage counseling on my own. I tried talking to him but he was online when we were separated talking to women on dating sites. Now that we are divorced he makes sure he records every conversation. He doesn’t respect me. Calls me names and diesnt do visitation. I tried being nice but it ends up not well. He leaves as soon as phone buzzing away. No interaction with kids always on phone. Idk if something is wrong with him Narcissist but it is not working out well. We are a burden to him he diesnt want to pay alimony and medical bills. No visits as outline in court degree. We both are fincially limited. How can this be changed?
Sunni, this sounds so painful to be feeling all the avoidance from your man of 28 years. It sounds so frustrating to be a burden instead of feeling taken care of. Ugh!
I remember being in that pit of despair in my marriage too prior to learning about Laura’s practical intimacy skills and finding a huge community of like minded women feeling the same. I wasn’t alone and neither are you!
Join Laura’s Adored Wife group FREE today so you can escape that deep pit of despair and know you are not a burden, just a woman missing some tools in her arsenal to create intimacy, connection and a cherished priority.
Standing for you,
Coach Sue
Laura Doyle Connect
I am currently going through a divorce, my choice. Two young bmonthsboys under 3. My husband is a narcissist. He is mean and has cheated online and lies about everything, even who he is. He has many secret things in his life. Would this apply to me? I try to get along but I also cannot stand him. He is not a nice person. Makes a lot of threats to get his way.
When they say respect your husband I kind of get lost and will be glad to know the things one do that shows respect and the things one do that shows disrespect and will be glad if it can be very explanatory so that I will be able to tell when am crossing the road from one to the other and vice vesrsa thank u
What a great story.
I am vacationing in Kauai with my ex husband, his new partner, my partner of 4 years and all our collective 6 children. We are having a blast and I feel so fortunate to be able to have healed my relationship with my x in a way that leaves everyone happy, whole, and loved. My children feel like they have a beautiful extended family, I adore my ex husbands partner, and I feel supported by two great men in my life. My x and partner are also very good friends.
I respect my x as a my children’s father, and as I respect him as a good friend in my life. Things have worked out better then I ever could have imagined.
Thanks Laura! You played a part in this transformation, my children and I feel very blessed.
Karen, thank you for sharing YOUR great story! Your example is so inspiring. It’s amazing that the Intimacy Skills have helped you heal your relationship with your ex to the point that you all go on vacation together! I admire your commitment to showing respect to the men in your life and your gratitude. Wow, you sound like a coach! If you want to explore how your beautiful experience can help transform other women’s relationships and lives, check out
Wonderful story, Kathy. Thank you for sharing. You ARE transforming current and future generations. I am so honored to be on this journey with you.
Amazing advice thank you at first I felt like I was compromising his behaviour and doing what was right for peace. But i kind of understand about the word respect .
Sandra, I’m glad to hear this resonated with you and acknowledge you for your commitment to showing respect in your marriage. I used to make all kinds of compromises in my marriage, but they weren’t working for me (or making my marriage more peaceful). The 6 Intimacy Skills empowered me to be respectful AND true to myself–not to mention making me feel cherished, desired and adored! For more tools to help you feel that way, I invite you to my upcoming webinar: How to Get Respect, Reconnect and Rev Up Your Love Life. You can register for free at