If you have ever felt annoyed about how I always talk about what wives and girlfriends can do to fix their relationships and never what husbands can do, you’re not alone.
It’s so reasonable to ask, “Why is it always on the woman to fix the relationship?” I mean, relationships take two for sure. So why does he get a pass on his bad behavior?
So how about if we give men 50% of the responsibility too, huh?
Here’s What You’ll Hear:
- Who has the most power in your relationship? I’m going to tell you about how to figure that out and what you can do about it.
- My guest Stefanie had one failed marriage and a failed rebound relationship, and she was pretty sure that her relationship with a Latin waiter was also a big mistake because she broke up with him almost every week. But today she is happily married to that Latin waiter, who likes to make her dreams come true. She’s going to tell us the secrets for how she made her high-drama romance dreamy.
- Then I’ll be giving out the award for The Worst Relationship Advice of the Week which in my experience, just makes a big problem where there was NO problem before. You’ve probably done it. I know I did!