045: How to Make Your Husband Love You Again


How to Make My Husband Love Me Again?

I often hear this heartbreaking question from women: “My husband says he’s not in love with me anymore. Should I just give up and move on?”

Who wouldn’t feel unloved and hopeless hearing those words? What a lousy thing to experience.

But it doesn’t mean your man will continue to feel that way. You have a lot of influence over whether he loves you, and you can regain his affection–no matter what he says.

I don’t mean you should try harder or make his dinner or do his laundry. Quite the opposite.

This isn’t about what you do in bed either.

It’s about using your power to create more love between the two of you.

To get you started and show you what I mean, I made a simple but powerful quiz that will give you incredibly clear insight about your relationship.

And with the self-awareness you’ll gain from this quiz, you can take effective action that will make your husband fall for you again–hard!

It worked for me, and it’s worked for thousands of women all over the world in 18 languages and 29 countries.

It will work for you too.

On today’s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast we’re talking about how to make your husband love you again:

  • You’ll discover how to attract your husband to you like a magnet after taking a simple yet powerful quiz.
  • My guest Tsippi was trying so hard to save her marriage that she built up an immense amount of resentment toward her husband, and after all of her hard work, she was able to improve things temporarily. Then they experienced a heartbreaking tragedy and her marriage was tested in an even bigger way. Today she’s going to share with us what happened.
  • The Worst Relationship Advice of the Week actually encourages you to fight with your man.

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