065: What to do if You’re Not Attracted to Your Husband


What to do if You’re Not Attracted to Your Husband

When I married my husband, I thought he was the most handsome, smart, funny, talented guy I’d ever met. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

But a few short years into our marriage, I couldn’t remember anything I liked about him. He seemed pathetic, immature, lacking ambition and sloppy.

He was the same guy, but my view of him had changed.

I thought I made a mistake and should divorce and try to find someone who suited me better.

Looking back, I now realize that I would have found myself in the same situation with the next handsome, smart, funny, talented guy.

I had 3 behaviors that were making my husband seem less attractive.

They weren’t enhancing the rest of my life, either. At all.

It wasn’t until I changed those habits that I went back to seeing him the way I did on our wedding day.

When I finally woke up and realized what I was doing, I noticed I wasn’t the only one. Lots of wives have these same tendencies, and they contribute to a lot of NET (Needless Emotional Turmoil) and even divorce.

On today’s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast we’re talking about what to do if you’re not attracted to your husband:

  • I’ll share the three habits that kept me from being attracted to my man.
  • My guest Dianne was shocked and terrified when, after a serious accident, her husband completely changed from the person she had known for 30 years to one who was consumed with anger, unpredictable and unrecognizable from the man she had married. Today her husband is back to the humble, gentle, man who loves to please her and make her happy. She’s going to describe what she did to fix her marriage.
  • The Worst Relationship Advice of the Week talks about diagnosing your husband with a disorder.

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