How You Can Help End World Divorce
Ending world divorce may sound to you like one very tall order.
It might seem like something so big and overwhelming that you can’t imagine how it could happen, never mind how YOU could contribute to such a lofty goal. After all, relationships are falling apart everywhere you look, and it seems so normal, so business-as-usual to hear about people you know or celebrities in the media tragically calling it quits.
But on today’s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast I’m sharing three ways you can help end world divorce and at the same time get advanced self-help for your own marriage.
- I’ll share three ways you can help end world divorce and at the same time get advanced self-help for your own marriage.
- My guest Magenta was still a newlywed when she started wondering what had happened to the wonderful guy she married! Instead of talking to her, texting her and video chatting, he just was not paying attention to her and she didn’t know why. He also refused to join their finances even though she’d done all the paperwork for him at the bank and all he had to do was sign it. But today he handles all the money and bills, and greets her with a big hug and kiss every day when he comes home. What happened? She’s going to tell us what she did so you can do it too.
- The Worst Relationship Advice of the Week offers an explanation for why men stop being romantic that is both dopey AND offensive.