093: How To Be Vulnerable In A Relationship


How to Be Vulnerable in a Relationship

Why would you even want to be vulnerable in a relationship? It doesn’t feel like I’m showing my beautiful, tender side. I usually feel squishy and embarrassed or shy, and my instinct is to avoid that whenever possible.

So it feels weird to be vulnerable on purpose, but that’s my plan. Sounds crazy, right? Stick with me here.

When it comes to your relationship, you simply cannot have intimacy without being vulnerable.

But exactly HOW do you do that?

On today’s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast we’re talking about the strangest, scariest–and probably most indispensable–ingredient for creating intimacy:

  • I’ll share how to inspire others to help and protect you, take care of you and support you–without being weak, submissive or acting like a doormat.
  • My guest Ch’vaun’s marriage was deeply lonely and felt like a rollercoaster ride. She knew that trust and respect were missing but had no idea how to get them back. But when she discovered what respect really looked like to her husband, he went back to doing all the great things he used to do when they fell in love. Today she says she could cry because she feels so loved. She’s going to tell us what she did so you can do it too!
  • The Worst Relationship Advice of the Week is from a well-known syndicated columnist. If you’re resentful and angry because your man isn’t contributing, she’ll give you the map straight to the victim swamp.

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