246: How to Deal with a Stonewalling Husband: 3 Tips


How to Deal with a Stonewalling Husband: 3 Tips

If you’ve ever felt the frustration and loneliness of trying to communicate with a partner who just shuts down, you’re not alone. I’ve been there, and so have a lot of them women I’ve worked with.

If your man won’t say a word to you or he’ll only talk about logistics or the kids, it’s devastating and scary. It feels like the worst rejection. 

And you don’t know when it’s going to end, or if it’s foreshadowing something even worse. It feels extreme! 

I remember feeling panicked when that used to happen at my house because I felt so abandoned. The only way to stop the terror, I thought, was to insist that he talk to me. Which seemed to make him dig in even more. It was awful and I felt pathetic. 

Other people said just ignore him until he calms down, but I’m not a patient person and that never worked for me.

So on today’s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, we’re talking about how to deal with a stonewalling husband.

  • I’ll share three things that have helped eliminate stonewalling at my house. They will help you navigate those stressful moments with more dignity and to create a home where there’s so much emotional safety that stonewalling becomes a distant memory. 
  • Plus, my guest Jessee is not a student but rather the husband of a podcast guest and coach. He generously agreed to be part of our Man Panel series, and today I’m going to get his perspective on the changes in his family as a result of his wife using the 6 Intimacy Skills™ and the Connection Framework. Get ready to hear the male perspective on what makes a man attracted to his wife and want to be her hero.

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