251: 3 Secrets to Restore Intimacy in Marriage


3 Secrets to to Restore Intimacy in Marriage

It’s heartbreaking to feel distant from your man when you long for the closeness you once shared. Without that spark, there’s a lonely ache, even when you’re together, leaving you wondering if you’ll ever feel desired again.

You may have heard that respect is like oxygen for men, but why should you have to do all the work? What if you don’t respect him? 

That’s exactly how I felt. But what made me decide to be bound to him for life if he was such a loser pants? Wouldn’t that make me a loser pants too?

No! So that led me to think about what I had been drawn to, how wise and generous he once was, how talented and sweet, how musically talented and adventurous and handsome. 

And he’s still that same guy. When I remembered all that, I felt grateful instead of resentful and contemptuous. (Turns out, gratitude is a much happier feeling.) 

But how do you get there if you’re not feeling it? 

On today’s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, I’m sharing 3 secrets for restoring the intimacy in your marriage. 

  • I’ll go through the specific cheat phrases to do just that because it’s your birthright as a woman to feel desired, beautiful and adored.
  • Plus, my guest Mina was suffering through cold wars every weekend and worried about her man’s lies. But when she dedicated herself to trying some new skills, she was able to create peace in her home. She’s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too. 

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