252: Why Do Husbands Cheat and How to Prevent It


2 Effective Ways to Start Over in a Relationship

It’s natural to feel scared or jealous at times, but what are you supposed to do when your jealousy feels justified? It’s so painful to worry about being cheated on, and devastating to have it happen to you. It makes you feel like a fool no matter what you do. 

But I’m here to tell you that you have more power than you probably realize to create a marriage where cheating is just not a concern.

On today’s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, I’m revealing why husbands cheat and how to prevent it.

  • I’ll share how to create a marriage where cheating isn’t even a concern because your connection is so strong, so irresistible, that there’s no room for it. 
  • Plus, my guest Sabrina felt unwanted, unappreciated and unseen in her marriage, which was lacking intimacy. But then she discovered her power and what was contributing to their problems. Today she and her husband are so close and intimate in every way. She feels cherished, wanted, respected and so loved! She’s going to tell us how she did it so you can do it too.

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