253: 2 Secrets to Stop Doing All the Work in Marriage


2 Secrets to Stop Doing All the Work in Marriage

Learn life-changing ways to start feeling taken care of instead of lonely and exhausted. Because it’s too tiring to be the one who does everything, from taking care of kids to housework to earning money to paying bills and managing social plans. Especially if you’ve asked your man to help and it just feels like pulling teeth! Or if he does things and you have to redo them because they aren’t done right. 

It’s so unfair. Who wouldn’t be resentful when you’re doing so much more of the work? I was. VERY resentful. 

Even the things that he did, I had to remind him to do them, which was a heavy mental load. 

I told him he needed to step up and do more. That got me wall-to-wall hostility, but not more help with housework. 

Then I learned a couple of things from some wise women who had happy marriages. 

So today, I’m revealing two secrets to stop doing all the work in marriage.

Plus, I have exciting news about The Empowered Wife Podcast! 

Lots of you have asked how you can listen to case studies on a specific marriage topic, and we heard you. From now on, every guest interview will have its own podcast episode with its own title to match the topic, so you can search for it easily on lauradoyle.org. If you want to hear how to fix your marriage to a narcissist or a man with neurodiversity, or with a blended family or addiction, an affair or separation, or a sexless marriage, you can go to lauradoyle.org/podcasts and find new interview episodes by title.

I’ll also continue to share my experience and my best tips on how to practice the 6 Intimacy Skills™ to fix your marriage without his conscious effort in separate episodes so you can still search for those topics, too. Starting with this one…

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