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Relationship Coach

Create a Peaceful, Playful, Passionate Relationship and get paid to help others do the same.
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FREE Masterclass: Purpose, Prosperity and Intimacy: Have All Three and Help Others Do the Same

Laura Doyle Relationship Expert

Limited Time Only: Register for Laura’s FREE Masterclass (and enjoy big savings on Relationship Coach Certification)

Do you dream of learning The Six Intimacy Skills™ at the highest level for the benefit of your own marriage, and so you can support women who are hurting in their relationships? 

Are you passionate about practicing The Six Intimacy Skills™? Does helping a hurting woman have an “aha!” about how she can fix her marriage give you a high? 

Are you called to be a bigger part of the mission to end world divorce? 

Relationship Coach Certification will make your marriage shiny and amazing, and let you become part of the circle of Laura Doyle Connect Coaches and live your purpose as a powerful relationship coach.

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“Learning to become a relationship coach with Laura Doyle and her outstanding team of coaches is the most meaningful, life-transforming thing I’ve ever done, and I’ve done a lot of things! Having trained to become a coach I know I can’t ever live without this work and without the circle of women who continue to lift me up and are lifting up marriages all over the world. This is my calling and it brings me so much joy to be a part of this mission to end world divorce!”

 Coach Darlene

Become a Laura Doyle Certified
Relationship Coach

Relationship Coach Certification

In this world-class course, Laura Doyle and her team will teach you the skills you need to become an effective and successful coach who helps clients create the intimate, passionate, peaceful relationship they crave. 

Even better, during Relationship Coach Certification you’ll develop the habits that lead to a magical relationship with your man. There’s no better way to give yourself those habits than to coach others in how to create them too. 

Sharing the principles of intimacy with other women makes them sink into your cells. If you want to learn something, teach it. 

It reinforces your commitment to being your best self by practicing good self-care to make yourself happy, living in gratitude and choosing your faith instead of your fear. 

It inspires you to be receptive and relinquish control. It reminds you that you are a woman of fun and light who chooses respect, vulnerability, and receives with delight. 

As a result, trained Laura Doyle Relationship Coaches float through life knowing that they are cherished, adored, protected, desired and loved while they help fix marriages and heal families.

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Is Relationship Coach Certification for You?

Relationship Coach Certification is for you if:

Happy Couple

You love The Six Intimacy Skills™

You want to go deeper with the The Six Intimacy Skills™ in your own life and relationship.


You’ve read the books

You’ve read The Empowered Wife or The Surrendered Wife, or listened to The Empowered Wife Podcast, or been a coaching student on our campus and experienced an awakening that you want to pass on to other women.


You're in a job transition

You’re in a job transition and looking to finally do what you were born to do.


You’re a counselor or therapist

You’re a counselor or therapist who wants to add powerful coaching tools to your repertoire.


You’re already a coach

You’re already a coach and you want to work with women and specialize in fixing marriages.


Your friends look to you for advice

You’re already that person whose friends look to for advice, and you’re handing out Laura Doyle books left and right; you just aren’t getting paid for it yet.


You want to be part of a community

You want to stay active and have ongoing support with practicing The Six Intimacy Skills™, and be in a community of like-minded women who will stand for your greatness.

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Still on the Fence?

If you’re still on the fence, read on and keep asking yourself, 
“How do I feel? What do I want?”  

And come to Laura’s Masterclass on Purpose, Prosperity and
Intimacy: How to Have All  and Help Others Do the Same. 

Desire is the seat of feminine power. Trust that your desires are your
marching orders. The way you’ll know if this is right for you is that you’ll
feel your heart tugging at you.


“If you want to master your emotions, bring peace and balance into your life, become inspired daily, and grow your marriage into the beautiful vision you have for it, then I highly recommend Coach Certification.  Without this community, without these other women to connect with and learn from, I’d be further down the divorce path for sure. I am so grateful I said yes to myself when I decided to sign up! I’ve had to overcome fears and self-doubt along the way, but the further I go, the more I choose my faith instead, the more benefits I get, the better my life looks, the happier and more sure of myself I am.”

Coach Stefanie

What’s Inside Relationship Coach Certification?


You may be drawn to this training for personal development. You’re not alone! While this is the best relationship coach certification program in the world, this year-long course is also the most comprehensive, immersive program available for learning and practicing the principles of intimacy that make your marriage playful and passionate.

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Master the Six Intimacy Skills

(Twelve 90-minute virtual classes)

First, we show you the proven practices that over 15,000 women in 30 countries have used to fix their relationships. You’ll be applying the The Six Intimacy Skills in your life at the highest level and supporting other women in your class without giving advice or telling her what to do. 

Each week you’ll practice a specific proven skill for making your relationship playful and passionate. This is a give-you-chills experience to not only have your own marriage transform and grow, but to have a front-row seat to seeing the Intimacy Skills at work in your classmates’ relationships too. You’ll contribute to their transformations because you will coach a different classmate each week.

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Secrets of the World's Best Relationship Coaches Practicum

(Twelve 90-minute virtual classes)

Next you’ll bring your knowledge, experience and practice of The Six Intimacy Skills to coach practicum, where you’ll learn and apply the proprietary Laura Doyle Connect coaching methodology and tools. The magical 5-Step Laura Doyle Coaching Methodology is exclusive to our campus and proven for causing transformation.

If you love The Six Intimacy Skills, you will want to get your hands on the coaching methodology that springs from them. You’ll get to practice live during these small groups, with real time coaching-on-your-coaching from successful, world-class Relationship Coaches. This is a very popular section of the course.

You’ll be in a small group of 12 women so everyone has a chance to practice and receive personalized feedback from the practicum coach. Our course instructors pride themselves on creating an emotionally safe, supportive environment for you to flex your coaching muscles. You’ll also gain the experience of working with a long-term client.

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Storytelling for Transformation with Laura Doyle

(Six 90-minute virtual classes)

Telling your own story is one of the best ways to inspire another woman to action, and coaching is all about leading and inspiring your client to take action.

In this training with Laura Doyle herself you’ll learn Laura’s storytelling methodology, build your story library for coaching, and create the mini and long-form stories that will attract your ideal client to you.

You’ll also prepare stories for leading powerful online talks and workshops and have a story to answer the question “What do you do?”

Then you’ll learn how to inspire and motivate another woman to take action without telling her what to do. You’ll train with Laura Doyle personally to learn Storytelling for Transformation. This is where your own journey and even the pain you may have been through turns into the gold that helps another woman have a breakthrough in her marriage.

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How to Be a Wildly Successful Laura Doyle Relationship Coach

(Twelve 90-minute virtual classes)

You’ll learn how to attract your own clients. You’ll also master the art of enrollment, holding a sacred space and practicing The Six Intimacy Skills in business just like you do in your relationship.

You’ll get more practice with the exclusive Laura Doyle Connect (LDC) coaching methodology, which is all about causing powerful transformation without ever telling your client what to do.

Next, you’ll practice leading a woman through a conversation that helps her see a possibility for herself even if she thinks her relationship is hopeless. We’ll show you how to help a hurting woman say yes to herself for relationship coaching. It’s one of the most gratifying feelings in the whole world.

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(Six 90-minute virtual classes)

This is the section where you’ll certify as a coach!

Master Coach Kathy Murray—a genius at helping you become a successful coach, just as she helped Laura become successful—will be guiding you through your certification.

The certification is designed to assess your coaching skills and to test your knowledge of The Six Intimacy Skills™ and the Laura Doyle Connect Coaching Methodology. The cost of certification is included in your Coach Certification tuition; however, further training may be needed at an additional cost if there is a delay in completing your certification requirements by the end of your course or the required assignments have not been completed by Section 5.

Once you’ve passed the certification process, you’ll know that you are an effective Laura Doyle Relationship Coach—and so will we!

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Why Laura Doyle Relationship Coach Certification?


These skills, methodology and practices have been used in the trenches with over 15,000 real women in real relationships since 2001, so we know they work.

But just having great information isn’t enough.
That’s why we also give you the tools, support, structure and coaching you need to be successful as a Laura Doyle Relationship Coach whether you start your own coaching practice or apply to coach for us.

We’ll invite you to take the actions that we know will help you create playfulness and passion at home and also live in your purpose as someone who helps hurting women fix their families.

If this is calling to you, the first step is to register for Laura’s free Masterclass:  Purpose, Prosperity and Intimacy: How to Have all 3 and Help Others Do the Same.  After you attend, you’ll have the opportunity to submit your interest form and schedule a call with a team member to explore your vision, get your questions answered and see if you’re a good fit for us

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Relationship Coach Certification was absolutely worth the investment. To say it changed my whole life for the better feels like an understatement. This work saved my marriage and made it amazing, and it also saved me. It’s given me such a passion and purpose to serve women so they don’t suffer needlessly. It healed my hurting heart and continues to feed my soul.

Coach Kathy

Immersive Training on The Six Intimacy Skills
and Laura Doyle Connect (LDC)
Coaching Methodology

You’ll learn all of the coaching tools and concepts listed above by watching fun videos Laura created for you inside the online course portal, and then you’ll join us for weekly Zoom classes.

You’ll have access to the Coach Trainee Success Community with certified coach support for your wins and challenges.

As part of your certification, you’ll also receive unlimited group coaching calls and regular private coaching from a Certified Laura Doyle Relationship Coach, as well as weekly peer coaching from the other trainees in your class. You’ll be coaching them as well. 

You’ll be posting your homework in the private online learning portal. And you’ll be able to measure your mastery of the material with regular quizzes throughout the course.

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Class Logistics


You can join the training by Zoom from anywhere in the world with a computer, tablet, or phone. If you can’t attend class, you can watch the recording inside your private portal. You’ll find the certifciation materials and a private community where you can connect with the coaches and the other students in the portal also.

Here’s the next available class schedule.

Relationship Coach Certification courses typically fill up months in advance. As soon as you sign up, you get to enjoy unlimited group coaching until Relationship Coach Certification begins.
(per the class schedule)

Relationship Coach Certification is run entirely by Laura Doyle and her certified coaches, who are some of the top relationship coaches in the world. The curriculum is based on Laura’s books, including her latest book, The Empowered Wife: Six Surprising Secrets for Attracting Your Husband’s Time, Attention and Affection, and her exclusive, world-class coaching methodology.

You can read about Laura’s philosophy here, and how it all got started here to see if it feels right to you to embark on this journey. 

You can also check out Laura’s books on Amazon, or listen to the inspiring stories from graduates of Relationship Coach Certification on Laura’s podcast here:

If this is calling to you, the first step is to register for Laura’s free Masterclass:  Purpose, Prosperity and Intimacy: How to Have all 3 and Help Others Do the Same.  After you attend, you’ll have the opportunity to submit your interest form and schedule a call with one of my team members to explore your vision and get your questions answered and see if you’re a good fit for us.

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Even after completing private coaching, I started backsliding into my old controlling ways. Plus, I missed talking with my coach, so I decided to become a certified coach by training with Laura Doyle personally! This is the best investment I’ve ever made, with a return beyond what I could have imagined. I found my purpose, myself, and balance in my full life. It’s the sisterhood of like-minded classmates who held my hand when I struggled and inspired me to reach as good as I can stand. Even after Coach Certification ended, I continued to receive the highest level of support as a coach.  It’s like a lifetime membership at LDC! So many marriages around me had ended in divorce, all because these smart women had been given the wrong handbook on marriage. I myself could have avoided so much pain if I’d had better awareness from the beginning. To any woman considering Coach Certification, I’d say it’s the best gift you could give yourself, your family and the generations to come.

Coach Julie

The Perks of a Being a Licensed Laura Doyle
Certified Coach

Once you’ve completed and passed all the steps in your certification, you’ll have exclusive permission to coach on The Six Intimacy Skills™ and teach The Empowered Wife Workshop. You’ll get to use the Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Coach Seal to show that you are the real deal.

As a Certified Licensed Laura Doyle Relationship Coach, you’ll set up your own independent coaching practice or you can apply to be a coach for Laura Doyle Connect. 

Either way, you’ll have access to the Laura Doyle Certified Coach’s Portal where you’ll find your exclusive marketing and certification materials, like the Empowered Wife Workshop. You’ll also join the coaches’ private online community, where you can get support for yourself or a challenging client.

We’ll also invite you to come to coaches’ meetings, which you’ll probably love as much as we do. 

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Once You’re a Relationship Coach


Once you’re a certified Laura Doyle Relationship Coach, you’ll get to decide how much you want to work. You might decide to have just a few clients, or maybe you’ll want to make this a full-time business with a full-time income.

You may have a vision to help military wives or the women in your place of worship, or from your mom’s group. Or maybe you want to coach women in Mexico, The Netherlands, Hong Kong or Australia. There’s such a need for all of that! 

Either way, as a Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Coach, you’ll find yourself in an extraordinary community of supportive, like-minded coaches, dedicated to helping each other and our clients. 

This is a courageous, generous, insightful tribe of women who are attracted to this program and the mission to end world divorce. If you’re one of us, then we can’t wait to get to know you and welcome you to our exceptional circle.

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My relationship is remarkable and romantic now. Certifcation in the Intimacy Skills at the coach level has brought out the best in me, and that has brought out the best in my husband. I cannot recommend Relationship Coach Certification enough! It was some of the best self-care I ever practiced. It changed my life and saved my relationship. You will never make a better investment in yourself!”

Coach Sue


There are two bonuses you will receive throughout the Relationship Coach Certification course:

1) Recordings of the Empowered Wife Sessions, Laura Doyle’s monthly interactive deep dive into one of the skills, like Spouse Fulfilling Prophecy (the change your husband skill!) or Expressing Desires in a Way That Inspires.

2) Access to Master Coach Kathy Murray’s weekly group coaching call recordings. These beloved calls are inspiring, uplifting and demonstrate the practices of one of the best relationship coaches in the world.

Yes, only our certified relationship coaches are licensed and authorized to use The Six Intimacy Skills and other LDC materials and methodologies in their coaching and workshops. LDC certification signifies that coaches have fulfilled the requirements of the Relationship Coach Certification course. We stand behind our coaches and are committed to their success because they have joined the mission to end world divorce.

LDC Relationship Coach Certification is an educational program. Ethical and professional responsibility education have been provided to all coaches who have completed LDC Relationship Coach Certification. While it is LDC’s hope that all coaches will conduct themselves at the highest level of professional and ethical standards, LDC cannot be held responsible for the conduct of individual coaches. LDC provides ongoing training and development to all its coaches to ensure that the Skills are being taught purely.

As part of Laura Doyle Connect (LDC), our coaches are affiliated with a beloved, recognized brand that includes the New York Times bestselling book The Surrendered Wife, and The Empowered Wife, The Empowered Wife Podcast, the Amazon TV series Empowered Wives and the credibility of over 15,000 women who swear by The Six Intimacy Skills and the Connection Framework™ for revitalizing the intimacy, passion and peace in their marriages.

One of the things we’re proud of at LDC is that every coach has had her own transformation in her marriage using The Six Intimacy Skills, which is the most important qualification to lead another woman to having the same transformation.

Class size is limited to just 12 women, so it’s a very intimate, safe group.

The Six Intimacy Skills—the proven system that has inspired and helped over 15,000 women in 19 languages and 30 countries make their relationships playful and passionate again—and the magical Laura Doyle 5-Step Coaching Methodology are exclusive to the Laura Doyle Connect campus. Without a system of practical, specific things to do and say, coaches are reduced to merely listening, encouraging and providing accountability. But in our experience, that simply isn’t enough. If our clients knew how to change by themselves, they would have done it already. Providing coaching around the application of The Six Intimacy Skills gives us an unfair advantage over every relationship coach in the world.

Our philosophy is that each client is the expert on her own life. Only she knows what is best for her. So while we provide training as part of the coaching packages, we don’t tell her what she should do because…we have no idea what’s best for her. Only she knows that. We share our own experiences as women and wives, supporting her in making the decision that fits best for her. Showing her the Skills helps her make choices where she previously felt like she didn’t have any. Once she has those options, they are hers to choose…or not. By trusting our clients, we stand for their greatness and bring out their best.

The investment for the twelve-month training program is:

$23,497 one-time payment when you pay in full at the time you register, or

4 monthly payments of $7,284 each. (A $7,284 deposit is required upon registration.)

Our classes are limited to only 12 women, so once your seat is secured with your payment and you are registered, no portion of your payment is refundable.

During section 5 of Relationship Coach Certified you’ll go through the steps to demonstrate your knowledge of The Six Intimacy Skills and your proficiency with the exclusive Laura Doyle Connect Coaching Methodology to become certified. The course is designed to thoroughly prepare you for successful certification as a Laura Doyle Relationship Coach. However, additional training may be needed at an additional cost.

As a licensed Laura Doyle coach, you become part of the greatest relationship coaching body in the world!  You’ll also have:

  • Ongoing support during weekly practicums and other Certified Coaches’ Calls, including Storytelling with Laura Doyle and Advanced Enrollment
  • Qualification to attend our annual Laura Doyle Coach Symposium
  • Access to the Laura Doyle Certified Coach Portal, including a done-for-you talk and workshop with slides
  • License to use the Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Coach seal on your marketing materials and all coaching tools and Intimacy Skills in live workshops and one-on-one private coaching, with a monthly licensing fee of only $47 as an independent coach (subject to change)
  • Eligibility to apply to coach for Laura Doyle Connect if you’ve been married at least six months
  • The recognition of a beloved, well-known brand and a New York Times bestselling author
  • Eligibility for unlimited partner coaching with other certified Laura Doyle relationship coaches and access to unlimited Group Coaching Calls
  • Membership in our exclusive Certified Coaches’ online community for ongoing personal and professional coaching support
  • The freedom to set your own hours, work from the location of your choosing and use your own equipment

All our classes are recorded and uploaded to your online learning site within 24 hours. Your attendance will not affect your eligibility for certification, we have found that students who attend class consistently are better prepared for certification.

Joining online with our conferencing service, Zoom, is ideal so you can see the visuals, the class leader and the other students. However, you are welcome to join by phone and you will receive a phone number to dial in. Toll charges may apply.

The Six Intimacy Skills are taught consecutively during section 1. We design the curriculum to allow you time to deeply practice and integrate the core concepts, tools and skills personally throughout the entire yearlong course. Many women enroll in Coach Certification solely to have the opportunity, structure and support to master the Intimacy Skills for themselves.

There is no single legal or professional authority for coaches.

Only Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Coaches are trained and authorized to use our proven, proprietary coaching methodology and coach and teach the world-famous 6 Intimacy Skills. 

Ready to sign up? Curious and want more info? Either way, the first step is to register for my Laura’s Masterclass: Purpose, Prosperity and Intimacy: How to Have All Three and Help Others Do the Same. 

You’ll have the opportunity to schedule a free Discovery Call to explore your vision and ask any questions.

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