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The Best Marriage Support Group

How to Have the Breakthrough that Will Make You Adored

Before I had a marriage support group, John and I were struggling. I was really hurting and wanted to end my marriage. Marriage counseling didn’t work for us, and I didn’t know what else to do to get my husband to straighten up.

Getting a marriage support group was one of the smartest things I ever did because I’m such a social creature.

Like in high school, when I ditched class to go to the taco stand with my pal Renee because that seemed cool. Then I signed up for Advanced Placement English because that’s what my other pal Marna was doing and that seemed cool.

I still find myself wanting to do what the cool kids are doing.

So if you’re anything like me and you’re hanging around someone who is getting divorced, that is likely putting pressure on your relationship.

If you’re spending time with people who are not only staying married but also talking about how they’re improving their marriages, even if they’re facing big challenges, that strengthens your marriage, in my experience.

Help in Marriage Support Group

But how do you find such a group?

Because when you’re struggling in your marriage, the last thing you want is to end up in the wrong place, wasting time and energy. If you’re anything like I was when my marriage was falling apart, you’re already feeling fragile and worried. You don’t have the energy to waste. You just need relief from the pain and stress ASAP.

You want a support group where you’ll be around other people who have what you want. Where you’ll feel comfort that you’re not the only one with your challenge. You want to feel validated and seen for the struggle you’re going through. For someone else to see how hard it’s been for you. And to know that you’re not crazy and that there is hope your situation can improve.

You want to hear from others who have worked through that challenge successfully to come out stronger than ever! And you want specific directions on how they did that.

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That’s true even if you have a certified relationship coach who’s walking you through the Six Intimacy Skills™ because you can’t keep your coach in your pocket with you all day and there are going to be times when you need support besides just your coaching sessions.

That’s why you want to have a whole tribe of like-minded women who are also invested in improving their marriages. Even my marriage doesn’t stay as shiny as I like it to be when I don’t stay in juicy conversations with women who are courageously fixing their marriages.

Emotional Safety in Marriage Support Group

You also need the highest level of emotional safety in your marriage support group, which means there has to be a structure and someone (or several someones) who are highly trained to uphold that structure.

Those are the elements that make for a crazy effective marriage support group where women share authentically and vulnerably about what’s really happening in their marriages and everyone supports them…

Which fosters breakthrough after breakthrough.

This marriage support group I’m referring to is the Ridiculously Happy Wife community, which is exclusive to our Ridiculously Happy Wife program, and there is an investment to be in it. If you want the best marriage support group on the planet, that’s what I recommend.

But if you’re not a member of RHW and you still want to have a great marriage, but you can’t join yet because you just found me or this blog or one of my books, let me tell you about a free alternative that’s open to just about every woman.

Marriage Support Group

It’s called The Adored Wife group, and it’s a launchpad for women who believe that marriage is important and who are still exploring. It’s for women who want to get a sense of what it would be like to be in our marriage support group, the Ridiculously Happy Wife.

There are no obligations in The Adored Wife group, and there are thousands of women like you already in there who are excited to meet you.

Once you’re inside The Adored Wife, you’ll learn the common mistakes that hold women back from having all they want and find inspiration, which will help you take the action to become an Adored Wife.

It requires courage!

You’ll find case studies from women who felt completely hopeless but now know they are cherished. We’ll also show you the next steps for creating a playful, passionate relationship.

To join The Adored Wife group for free, go to

If you’re ready to take a baby step in becoming an Adored Wife, I’ll see you inside.

By Laura Doyle

Hi! I'm Laura.

New York Times Bestselling Author

I was the perfect wife--until I actually got married. When I tried to tell my husband how to be more romantic, more ambitious, and tidier, he avoided me. I dragged him to marriage counseling and nearly divorced him. I then started talking to women who had what I wanted in their marriages and that’s when I got my miracle. The man who wooed me returned.

I wrote a few books about what I learned and accidentally started a worldwide movement of women who practice The Six Intimacy Skills™ that lead to having amazing, vibrant relationships. The thing I’m most proud of is my playful, passionate relationship with my hilarious husband John–who has been dressing himself since before I was born.

6 replies on “The Best Marriage Support Group”

Mel, Yahoo! I am celebrating your courage and bravery for saying YES to you!

I look forward to watching your journey unfold!

Click here to join the waitlist for the Ridiculously Happy Wife coaching program.

Standing for you,
Coach Sue

Jane, I can’t wait to see you there! I’ll ask my team to email you an invite now.

Hi, when I go to the place to join an group, clicking on the link, there is no button or other way to proceed. So how do I find a support group?

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