112: 2 Ways to Hear His Heart Message

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 2 Ways to Hear His Heart Message Imagine you could wave a magic wand to make your marriage the way you want it to be. How would it be different? Maybe your husband would do a lot more chores or be more attentive and affectionate, seeking your company and kissing you whenever he got the chance. He wants to be all of that for you so … Read more…

111: How to Stop Walking on Eggshells when He Yells

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: How to Stop Walking on Eggshells when He Yells When you live with someone who loses his cool, it’s very scary and draining. It seems logical to try to minimize those blow-ups however you can. You try to keep the kids quiet or keep quiet yourself or just agree with him or remove yourself when you feel the tension rise. It’s exhausting to always be thinking … Read more…

110: 3 Ways to Deal with a Miserable Husband

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 3 Ways to Deal with a Miserable Husband Do you wish your husband would help out around the house but, no matter how nicely you ask, he’s too busy binge watching Breaking Bad? Have you begged him to spend time with the kids, but he’s still more interested in his phone than his own children? Or asked him to have sex–or just spend time with you, … Read more…

109: 4 Ways to Get the Romance Back

LISTEN TO THE SHOW:  4 Ways to Get the Romance Back Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if saying “We need to talk” made him gaze into your eyes and describe all the ways he’s so in love with you? Or if telling him he needs to be more affectionate and attentive made him turn off the TV and gallantly sweep you off to the bedroom? Unfortunately, calling him … Read more…

108: 3 Moves for Becoming His #1 Priority

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 3 Moves for Becoming His #1 Priority Does your husband always have friends over? Or talk to his best friend more than you? Whether he’s a social butterfly or a barfly, not being his number one is downright disappointing. It can feel hopeless and so lonely. And make you angry too! Going it alone surely isn’t what you had in mind when you said “I do.” … Read more…

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