058: Recovering From an Affair: The Ultimate Guide to Healing

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: Recovering From an Affair: The Ultimate Guide to Healing When you discover your partner’s infidelity, a horrible sinking feeling washes over you–followed quickly by a wave of denial. “It can’t be true!” you try to reassure yourself, even as another wave of realization pummels you with the truth: This is actually happening to you even though you never thought it would. Being the victim of a … Read more…

225: 3 Decisive Strategies for When Your Husband Calls You Names

3 Decisive Strategies for When Your Husband Calls You Names

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 3 Decisive Strategies for When Your Husband Calls You Names It has such a chilling effect on intimacy you’re getting called names, especially rude ones that you wouldn’t even want to repeat. It’s so hurtful and scary.  Everyone knows you shouldn’t put up with that if you have any self-respect. Verbal or emotional abuse is not okay. It also makes you feel really bad—unless you practice … Read more…

213: How to Find a Relationship Coach (Top 3 Things to Look For)

How to find a relationship coach

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: How to Find a Relationship Coach (Top 3 Things to Look For) When you’re going to trust someone with something as important as making your marriage last and thrive, it’s scary. You want to make sure it’s the right someone! Especially if you’re trying to navigate a crisis, like a separation, the threat of divorce, or an affair, which feels so vulnerable and private. There’s so … Read more…

The Empowered Wife Podcast: Marriage Help with Laura Doyle

Empowered Wife Podcast with Laura Doyle

Listen On Apple Spotify Google Audible Podbay Youtube The Empowered Wife Podcast Whether your marriage is on the brink of divorce or you want more playfulness and passion, The Empowered Wife Podcast with New York Times Bestselling Author Laura Doyle will help you have the best possible relationship. Thousands of listeners credit The Empowered Wife Podcast for saving their marriages. Guests share deeply personal stories of recovering from affairs, addiction, … Read more…

207: My Husband is in Love With Someone Else

My Husband is In Love With Someone Else

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: My Husband is in Love With Someone Else What could be worse than knowing that your husband loves someone else when he should be devoted to you and only you? This should not be happening. It’s so wrong! And a terrible rejection to know he finds someone else so alluring that he’s willing to put everything he has with you at risk. I mean, is she … Read more…

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