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4 Steps to Relationship Coach Certification

Are you wondering if relationship coach certification is going to be your next big thing?

Now that I’ve trained and certified hundreds of top relationship coaches in the world over the last decade, and been a relationship coach for over 20 years, I know how hard it is to ignore that tug on your heart once you feel it.

Maybe your marriage is painful right now, and you have an intuition that training to be a certified relationship coach would put it right again. That’s a great reason to train and certify as a relationship coach. That’s what a lot of our students do.

Maybe you’re feeling a tug on your heart that helping women fix their relationships is your purpose. That’s another great reason to get a relationship coach certification.

Or maybe you’re like me and you just want to stay in the fascinating conversation with women who make having a shiny marriage a priority. If that’s not a great reason to get a relationship coach certification, I don’t want to be reasonable.

But it can also be overwhelming and confusing to get started. What’s involved? How do you get started? What happens next when you have a relationship coach certification?

In this blog I’m going to pull the curtain back to reveal:

  • How to decide if Relationship Coach Certification is right for you
  • The mindset that will help you succeed
  • The next step

Here are the four steps to Relationship Coach Certification:

Step 1: Come As You Are

Prerequisite for relationship coach certification

Let’s bust some common myths about what qualifications you need to start, because I hear a lot of misconceptions that make me crazy!

I see long, confusing articles (I’m looking at you, Positive Psychology) about becoming a relationship coach that make it seem like there are 4,628 tedious steps. Uh, no! I never would have become a relationship coach!

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Relationship Coach Certification has been a thrilling and fulfilling journey of self-discovery, friendship and love for me and so many of my students. That’s why we got into it. This is how I got to know some of my very best friends! Maybe that’s why you’re interested too.

I also want to bust another common myth that can keep students out of relationship coach training and certification when it’s exactly where they belong. They think their marriage has to be fixed before they can even start Relationship Coach Training and Certification, but that’s backwards.

Training to certify to be a relationship coach is how many students save their marriage.

If your relationship is struggling or completely falling apart, you might feel embarrassed and have some judgment for yourself that you’re even thinking about Relationship Coach Certification. But what if you’re wiser than you think?

For one thing, “completely falling apart” is pretty accurate for how things were going in my marriage when I started showing other women how to fix their relationships over 20 years ago. My marriage is pretty great now, but it’s STILL not perfect. (Confession time: Just yesterday I had to apologize to my husband after meddling in his conversation with the neighbors.)

You don’t need a perfect marriage or even an “okay” marriage as a prerequisite for Relationship Coach Training and Certification. I don’t recommend cleaning the house before the housecleaner comes either.

Your relationship will improve when you’re in Relationship Coach Training and Certification. That’s just what happens.

You can’t practice the Six Intimacy Skills at the highest level in Laura Doyle Relationship Coach Training without getting a more peaceful, passionate, playful relationship.

Like in Cindy’s case. Her husband told her he didn’t love her, had never loved her and then moved out. Then she found out he was having an affair with the bookkeeper. She was devastated and felt incredibly alone. Sounds hopeless, right?

But after 30 years of marriage, three kids and a grandbaby on the way, she was in a tough spot because she just wanted her marriage back. She wanted to keep her family together.

That’s where things stood when she enrolled in Relationship Coach Training and Certification.

She was so afraid she’d be the only one in the class whose marriage seemed like such a failure, but she was relieved to learn that some of her classmates were still waiting for their miracles too.

When Cindy’s husband dropped the other women and called special to tell her he loved her and that he’d always loved her, everyone in her class was so excited and happy for her.

Then, when he got down on one knee and begged her for forgiveness with tears in his eyes, the whole campus was celebrating for Cindy.

When he moved back home in time for Christmas and put a new wedding ring on her finger, even Cindy was surprised at just how far she’d come. (You can hear the whole story in her own words on Episode #207 of the Empowered Wife Podcast)

Now Cindy’s marriage is shiny and amazing and she’s a Certified Relationship Coach with lifetime access to the coaching on our campus.

When you enroll and participate in Laura Doyle Relationship Coach Training and Certification you’re going to have a transformation in your marriage too. You’re going to feel more desired, taken care of, and special.

And your transformation is what makes you qualified to be a Certified Relationship Coach, just like me.

And not just me, all the Certified Laura Doyle Relationship Coaches have that indispensable credential. That’s step #1 for becoming an effective certified relationship coach. That’s why Section 1 of Coach Training and Certification is dedicated to your own relationship.

If your marriage is already flirty and fun, you’ll take it even higher. But even if you’re still having wall-to-wall hostility and days-long cold wars with no talking, you’re ready to start Relationship Coach Training and Certification.

Step 2: Choose Your Community and Accreditation

Relationship certification support group

Many people who join Laura Doyle Relationship Coach Certification have already studied other approaches to relationships like:

  • Nonviolent communication methods (Rosenberg, 1999)
  • Understanding love languages (Chapman, 1995)
  • Conflict management techniques (Gottman, 1994)
  • The Life Coach School (Brooke Castillo, XXXX)

Some students are Marriage Family Therapists and have been marriage counselors for years before they decide to get their Relationship Coach Certification with us. Whether something’s still missing for them in those approaches, or they feel drawn to the community and ongoing support our campus offers, we’re proud to have such smart, accomplished people choosing our Relationship Coach Certification.

Sometimes we’re asked if we’re an ICF accredited certification. That’s like asking if Ferraris are Volkswagen accredited.

You’ll know if you’ve found the community and certification that’s right for you If you resonate with our unique approach.

There are five reasons Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Coaches have the reputation of being the best in the world:

1. Substantial Investment of Time and Money

While some coaches spend one weekend and pay a few hundred dollars for their certifications, Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Coaches make a substantial financial investment and spend at least a year in Relationship Coach Training and Certification. We’ve trained hundreds of coaches for over a decade and that’s how long it takes to become an effective relationship coach. Students often tell us it was the best investment they ever made.

2. Our Secret Sauce

Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Coaches are experts in both our exclusive 6 Intimacy SkillsTM, our proprietary coaching methodology that goes hand-in-hand with the Intimacy Skills and the Connection FrameworkTM. Those are what have helped hundreds of relationship coaches help over 15,000 women fix their marriages better than new, and you can’t get them anywhere else. There’s no better feeling than having the knowledge and skills to actually help someone make her marriage playful and passionate, and Laura Doyle Certified Coaches have that superpower.

3. Personal Development

Where most Relationship Coach Training and Certification programs are focused solely on conveying the skills you need for professional development, Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Training and Certification is equally devoted to supporting your personal development. Students often express their surprise and delight about how much of the program is about and for them personally, which is vital for success as a woman and a coach.

4. Lifelong Support

While some relationship coach training programs give you a certificate, wish you good luck with your career, and wave goodbye, Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Coaches get extensive, specialized ongoing support, materials, training, and community both as coaches and as wives. As mere mortal women, we all need ongoing encouragement and inspiration, especially if you’re serving others with their relationship challenges. Laura Doyle Connect is committed to providing that. My vision is to spend the rest of our lives together, lifting each other up and lifting up the world.

5. Mission-Driven

Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Coaches are on a mission to End World Divorce. There’s nothing like knowing you have an important purpose to make you feel alive and motivated. Every Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Coach is passionate about our mission, which is what sources us and inspires us every day. It’s what keeps me going and gives me such a sense of accomplishment and pride in who we are and what we’re doing.

Step 3: Honor Your Desires

Cost of relationship coach certification

The Certified Relationship Coaches on our campus all have one thing in common: They honored their desire.

You might feel uncomfortable, guilty or indulgent about investing your time and energy into becoming a coach. That’s pretty common.

The question is, will you hold the desire at arm’s-length, and say, “This isn’t the right time,” or “first the kids need braces and soccer,” or “But I’ve already invested so much in the career I have!”?

Or will you just let your desire have its day in the sun by acknowledging it out loud, or writing it down, or sharing it with someone else–like your man or your coach?

Will you entertain that desire by envisioning yourself helping hurting women, being part of our terrific tribe of Certified Relationship Coaches, or leading workshops or giving free talks about The Six Intimacy SkillsTM?

Desire is the seat of feminine power, and when you invite your desire to come in, sit down and start making you excited, the universe rearranges itself to make that desire so

I had an arm’s-length desire for a pool for over a decade. And really, there was nothing stopping me but me! When I was finally willing to sit with my discomfort about how impractical it is, and be willing to own that I had that desire anyway instead of trying to squish it down, guess what? Now I have a beautiful pool!

That’s what I see with the coaches too. They arrive with stories of how they created the time, the finances and the space to train in ways they didn’t imagine, just by honoring their desire. All they knew was they were drawn to Relationship Coach Certification.

And by the way, since you’re still reading this, that means you have a pretty strong desire to be in Relationship Coach Training and Certification. I admire that very much, and I’m so grateful for your passion.

It’s the most moving, exciting thing I’ve ever done to learn how to effectively help families last and thrive while I was learning to be my best self, so I could make my own marriage shiny and amazing.

Step 4: Come to my free Masterclass on Purpose, Prosperity and Intimacy

Connect with Other Relationship Coaches

When I first started trying to fix my marriage with the Six Intimacy Skills™ years ago, it was challenging to change my habits. Being part of a community of women who think marriage is important (Because it is!) helped me get the new habits that gave me the dreamy marriage I have now.

But here’s a confession: When I’m not having conversations on the regular with women who practice The Six Intimacy Skills, I notice my marriage suffers. My old, unpleasant habits start to creep back in. It’s like forgetting a language when you don’t have the opportunity to speak it.

Sharing what I’ve learned about how to have a lasting marriage with other wives, standing for their greatness and encouraging them to become Certified Relationship Coaches is a vital part of what keeps my marriage playful and passionate.

And it’s not just me. Our coaches say the same thing–that having the Connection Framework of sharing with other like-minded women took their marriages higher than they could have imagined.

That’s why I wish that every woman could be a Certified Laura Doyle Relationship Coach and an expert on the Six Intimacy Skills, and enjoy the benefits for her life, her marriage and her family that come along with it.

That’s why I created this free masterclass called Purpose, Prosperity and Intimacy: How to Have All 3 and Help Others Do the Same.

If the idea of joining Laura Doyle Relationship Coach Training and Certification calls to you, I invite you to register for that masterclass right here. Whether you’re ready to get started now, or just dreaming about the future, you’ll get to see what you can earn and what the path to becoming a Certified Relationship Coach looks like.

If you decide to join us, I look forward to getting to know you in Relationship Coach Certification!

I threw in another competitor while we’re at it! Why not? Unless we don’t need it.

By Laura Doyle

Hi! I'm Laura.

New York Times Bestselling Author

I was the perfect wife--until I actually got married. When I tried to tell my husband how to be more romantic, more ambitious, and tidier, he avoided me. I dragged him to marriage counseling and nearly divorced him. I then started talking to women who had what I wanted in their marriages and that’s when I got my miracle. The man who wooed me returned.

I wrote a few books about what I learned and accidentally started a worldwide movement of women who practice The Six Intimacy Skills™ that lead to having amazing, vibrant relationships. The thing I’m most proud of is my playful, passionate relationship with my hilarious husband John–who has been dressing himself since before I was born.

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