226: My Husband is Always Negative (3 Ways to Change That)

My husband is always negative

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: My Husband is Always Negative (3 Ways to Change That) Being around Eeyore all the time is draining and discouraging. How are you supposed to enjoy life when your man is constantly making gloomy comments and throwing cold water on everything?  You might wonder when he’s going to snap out of it or look for nutritional supplements for him or sleep aids or a therapist to … Read more…

225: 3 Decisive Strategies for When Your Husband Calls You Names

3 Decisive Strategies for When Your Husband Calls You Names

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 3 Decisive Strategies for When Your Husband Calls You Names It has such a chilling effect on intimacy you’re getting called names, especially rude ones that you wouldn’t even want to repeat. It’s so hurtful and scary.  Everyone knows you shouldn’t put up with that if you have any self-respect. Verbal or emotional abuse is not okay. It also makes you feel really bad—unless you practice … Read more…

224: 2 Effective Ways to Start Over in a Relationship

How to start over in a relationship.

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 2 Effective Ways to Start Over in a Relationship When you want a reset, you don’t like the track things are on… There’s too much conflict, tension or distance. Maybe you miss how passionate your relationship once was. Instead of having fun together, it feels like painful drudgery. Instead of being exhilarated together, you feel like awkward roommates.  So how do you get back to the … Read more…

223: Signs Your Husband Resents You (And What to Do)

Signs your husband resents you

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: Signs Your Husband Resents You (And What to Do) When your husband resents you, the tension is so uncomfortable, even more so if he’s not saying anything but just scowling or hiding in his cave and being silent, ignoring you, neglecting you. It would be nice if he’d just come out with it and tell you that he resents you and WHY. Then you’d know exactly … Read more…

222: My Husband Left Me Because He Was Unhappy

my husband left me because he was unhappy

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: My Husband Left Me Because He Was Unhappy It’s so devastating and hurtful if your husband leaves you because he’s unhappy. First, he loved you enough to marry you in front of God and everybody. Then he was so unhappy he left you? That’s not what he promised to do, and it feels like such a betrayal. Not only does it knock the wind out of … Read more…

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