031: 15 Signs You’re Not Controlling

How do I know I am controlling

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 15 Signs You’re Not Controlling What happens when 18 women tell the up-close and personal story of how their marriages were struggling in some way, and describe exactly how they stopped controlling to restore the passion and playfulness? First, you get an inspiring book of best practices for a playful, passionate marriage, which you can then apply to your own relationship. Second, some other patterns emerge. … Read more…

030: How to Get More Compliments from Your Man

I want more ccompliments from my husband

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: How Can I Get More Compliments From My Man? When you were dating, your husband probably wooed you with words. He most likely told you how great you looked, or how nice you are, and that he found himself thinking about you at work. Maybe he said he thought you were so sexy it was distracting, and that he loved your beautiful smile, and that he … Read more…

029: What to Do When Your Husband Cheats

What can I do if my husband cheats

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: What to Do When Your Husband Cheats When your worst fears are confirmed and you find out your husband has cheated, it’s completely devastating. News of that betrayal likely brings up fury, deep hurt and even hopelessness. To make things even worse, he may try to deny it or react with hostility at the mere accusation of cheating, even though–or maybe because–he is guilty as charged. … Read more…

028: How to Make Things Better Without His Conscious Effort

How can I make my marriage better

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: How to Make Things Better without His Conscious Effort When your relationship is in the doldrums, it’s tempting to blame your husband for the problems. That was my initial approach and it didn’t help matters. At all! I really believed if he would be more romantic, help clean up more and make more money, everything would be great. Turns out the joke was on me because … Read more…

027: What to do When Your Husband Says He Doesn’t Love You

I feel that my husband doesn't love me

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: WHAT TO DO WHEN MY HUSBAND SAYS HE DOESN’T LOVE ME Being married to a man who was once affectionate and thoughtful, but isn’t anymore, is painful and heartbreaking. I still remember what that was like. It hurts just thinking about it, even though that was years ago. But what if the underlying problem was something you could fix pretty quickly, once you knew how? Because … Read more…

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