The Empowered Wife Podcast

Whether your marriage is on the brink of divorce or you want more playfulness and passion, The Empowered Wife Podcast with New York Times Bestselling Author Laura Doyle will help you have the best possible relationship.

Thousands of listeners credit The Empowered Wife Podcast for saving their marriages. Guests share deeply personal stories of recovering from affairs, addiction, and abandonment by using the 6 Intimacy Skills™.

Listeners rave about the relatable methods Laura shares. A reviewer writes, “This podcast has been a game-changer for my marriage. Laura Doyle’s insights are unmatched, making this the best marriage podcast I’ve ever listened to.”

When you listen, you’re joining a community of women who believe having a great marriage is important. Because it is!

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New York Times Best-Selling Author

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Episode 197

How to Handle the Silent Treatment with Dignity

The silent treatment can make you feel really bad and desperate to end the tension. It’s scary… [Read more]

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Defensive Husband

199: Why is My Husband so Defensive

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: Why is My Husband so Defensive It’s annoying when you’re trying to have a conversation and your man either clams up and gets cold or raises his voice or starts arguing with you. It seems mysterious

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How to help my husbands mid-life crisis

023: How To Manage His Mid-Life Crisis

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR HUSBAND IS HAVING A MIDLIFE CRISIS? How do you keep your connection, your cool and your dignity when your husband is having a midlife crisis? If you’ve ever experienced your husband

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