221: How I Ruined Valentine’s Day

How I ruined Valentine's Day.

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: How I Ruined Valentine’s Day My husband calls Valentine’s Day my high holy day because I teach the 6 Intimacy Skills™, which help create this sweet, kissy environment that we normally have around here.  I thought I was immune from feeling the pressure of this one particular day having to be the MOST romantic, coupley, meaningful day ever.  But I was wrong.  On today’s episode of … Read more…

220: 3 Ways to Force Your Marriage to Improve

Ways to Force Your Marriage to Improve

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 5 Mistakes That Make Him Tune You Out When my marriage was really bad, I just wanted to force it to get better through sheer will. That’s why I made John go to marriage counseling!  I was willing to put in hard work and perseverance, of course, because that’s what I figured it meant to “work on” your marriage. I mean, I’d always heard marriage is … Read more…

219: How do you respect a husband who hasn’t earned it?

How do you respect a husband who hasn't earned it?

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: How do you respect a husband who hasn’t earned it? On today’s episode of The Empowered Wife Podcast, we’re talking about how you’re supposed to respect a husband who hasn’t earned it.  I’ll share the key action—despite my great reluctance and resistance—that made it easy to respect my husband, who now does all the things that impressed me when I first fell in love with him.  … Read more…

218: 3 Ways to Rebuild a Relationship and Stop Struggling

Ways to Rebuild a Relationship

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 3 Ways to Rebuild a Relationship and Stop Struggling If you’ve been struggling in your relationship for a while, you’re probably exhausted. I remember how hopeless and scared I felt when we’d been struggling for years and nothing was working to make it better. Not marriage counseling, not books about relationships, not working on communication—none of that worked for us. It’s such a disappointment to go … Read more…

217: 3 Mistakes with Splitting Chores

3 Mistakes with Splitting Chores

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 3 Mistakes with Splitting Chores I found myself doing all the housework not long after we were married because I thought it would be nice for him and I wanted to be a nice wife, and I wanted a clean house, home made meals, and neatly folded laundry. Plus I wanted those things done the right way. But it wasn’t long before I was overwhelmed, exhausted … Read more…

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