051: The Most Powerful Intimacy Skill

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: The Most Powerful Intimacy Skill of All Sometimes you feel like the only person at your house who is doing ANYTHING on the endless list of chores that must get done. Or maybe you’re the only one doing things the way they should be done. Either way, it’s a lonely, exhausting feeling. When that’s how it’s been for a looooong time, the last thing on your … Read more…

050: 3 Steps to End the Exhausting Tug of War Forever

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 3 Steps to End the Exhausting Tug of War Forever When every negotiation at your house feels like a battle, you waste a lot of energy. Whether it’s about how to handle a baby who won’t sleep, a budget that doesn’t add up, or a growing mess in the house, it takes a lot longer to accomplish things when you have to debate and argue about … Read more…

049: 3 Ways to Be a Feminine Feminist

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 3 Ways to Be a Feminine Feminist What if you want to be able to have every opportunity to do your life’s work and earn what you’re worth for doing it, but you don’t want to be identified as an angry woman who rails against the patriarchy and doesn’t shave her armpits? Should you call yourself a feminist? And what if you also want to wear … Read more…

048: 5 Hacks for Communicating with Men So They Hear You and Get You

How can I make my husband listen to me

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: 5 Hacks for Communicating with Men So They Hear You and Get You Everybody knows communication is the key to a good relationship. That’s obvious. But what if it isn’t? I’m a good talker. I started talking early, and I never really shut up. Growing up, my sport was Scrabble. I even majored in communication in college. So when there were big problems in my marriage … Read more…

047: The #1 Way to Make Your Marriage Happier

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: The #1 Way to Make Your Marriage Happier Shana was upset with her husband when she got home to find the kids eating candy and playing on the iPad while he worked in the yard. “I just can never count on him when I want to go out. He says he’s taking care of the kids and then I come home to this!” she seethed. Meanwhile, … Read more…

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