How to Fix Marriage to a Bipolar Husband

How to fix marriage to a bipolar husband

It’s so dreary to find out you’re married to someone with bouts of exhaustion and depression interspersed with manic behavior. It feels like a bait-and-switch. How are you ever going to have a great partnership when there are just those two extremes, nothing in the middle, and no normal husband behavior? It’s scary because not… Read More »

Living with an Addict

Living with an Addict

Living with an addict is so scary. Here you’ve tied yourself to your husband for better or worse, and he’s gotten much worse. You question whether you should be trusting him with things that will impact your life when he’s always under the influence of his addiction. Addicts have a terrible reputation for making bad… Read More »

How Does Chronic Pain Affect Your Marriage?

How Does Chronic Pain Affect Your Marriage?

As you already know if you or your husband has chronic pain, it can put a massive strain on a marriage. When one of you is always hurting, it’s an ever present challenge to emotional and physical intimacy. Just like when you’re sick, it’s very hard to be at your best when you’re going “ouch,”… Read More »

Living with an Alcoholic Husband

By an anonymous Empowered Wife When my husband and I met over 20 years ago, I knew he enjoyed drinking beer or whiskey every day. As a hippie chick, granola type, I was more interested in herbal tea and berry smoothies. I felt a bit nervous about his drinking, but I loved him and thought… Read More »

My Husband Has Low Self Esteem

My Husband Has Low Self Esteem

A confident man is a sexy man. But an insecure guy is not very appealing. When you see his doubts and low self-esteem, his indecision or inability to handle a situation you could manage with half your brain tied behind your back, it’s a turnoff. You start to wonder what you ever saw in the… Read More »

Husband Drinks Too Much

Husband Drinks Too Much

Like anyone who drinks too much, your husband gets annoying and stupid when he’s intoxicated. It might be nice if he never did that, but the bigger question is whether your man’s drinking is over the line. Maybe he drinks every night, or drinks to oblivion on a regular basis, or gets mean when he… Read More »

How to Become More Confident

How to Become More Confident

You’re not the only person who feels insecure, of course. Everyone does sometimes. But it’s a worthy goal to want to feel more confident—to want to feel comfortable in your own skin. Second-guessing what you just said and wishing you’d said something else, and wanting to make yourself disappear gets old and exhausting. Having anxiety… Read More »

How to Make Yourself Happy

How to Make Yourself Happy

I recently sent out a survey in which I asked, “How would you best describe your marriage?” Over 1000 people responded, and I was floored by the results:

My Husband is a Narcissist

My Husband is a Narcissist

Being married to someone who’s preoccupied with his own attributes is lonely and tiring. When you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, hypersensitivity is the norm. It’s frustrating when you make a comment and he gets defensive at the perceived attack when you didn’t intend one. Narcissists are known for having challenges in sustaining satisfying… Read More »

Depressed Husband

Being married to Eeyore is excruciating. You’ve got to wonder why your guy doesn’t just look on the bright side. But that’s not how depression works. It makes sense that you want his depression to lift already so that the two of you can get back to laughing and having fun again. His dark mood… Read More »