016: When Your Husband Hurts Your Feelings

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: My husband hurts my feelings sometimes, even now that our marriage has been mostly playful and passionate for many years. It’s not very often anymore, I admit, but as human beings living in close proximity that’s happens occasionally. When he does, my knee-jerk reaction is to strike back; To show him why he’s wrong and offer 10 airtight defenses along with a subtle–but sharp–insult. But now … Read more…

015: When Your Husband Is Not Attracted To You

Why I am not attracted to my husband anymore

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: One of the most common problems I hear from wives is, “My husband is not attracted to me anymore.” It’s always heartbreaking because I remember how lousy that felt. Like me, these women usually think the problem is either that she married the wrong guy or that her weight, her age, or her post-baby body has made her less beautiful. And it’s painful to think you … Read more…

014: Who Has The Most Power in Your Relationship?

Who has the most power in your relationship?

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: If you have ever felt annoyed about how I always talk about what wives and girlfriends can do to fix their relationships and never what husbands can do, you’re not alone. It’s so reasonable to ask, “Why is it always on the woman to fix the relationship?” I mean, relationships take two for sure. So why does he get a pass on his bad behavior? So … Read more…

013: How to Make Your Marriage Emotionally Safe

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: If you’ve ever caught your man lying about where he was, who he was with or what he was doing, you know how much it stings. If the lies were to cover up his drinking, smoking or who he was with, it can shake you to your core. After all, how much worse can it get than him lying to his wife? What else is he … Read more…

012: How to Be Feminine and be 10X More Attractive

How to Be Feminine and be 10X More Attractive

LISTEN TO THE SHOW: As a young adult, it made me angry when someone implied that men and women are different because that showed they were prejudiced. I saw that as the old, unenlightened thinking. I smugly believed I knew the truth: everyone was the same, regardless of gender. But I didn’t know how to be feminine or even recognize my own astonishing power as a woman. I equated femininity … Read more…

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